How to use template tags in email templates

Последнее изменение:

Available in service plans: Advanced, Universal

Template tags help to build your template. They add some prepared code to save time and simplify your template.

Syntax: {% template_tag_name arg_1 arg_2 ... %}

Find out below all available template tags. Please pay attention that some of them Required in some templates!

Common template tags

1. {% if %} ... {% else %} ... {% endif %} - Not required. Use this tag if you want to add some logic to your template. Example:

{% if notification.is_reply_allowed == True %}Reply{% else %}Do not reply{% endif %}

2. {% for %} ... {% empty %} ... {% endfor %} - Not required. Use this tag if you want to add some cycle to your template. Example:

{% for agent in notification.agents %}<br>{{}}{% empty %}No agents{% endfor %}

Template tags for "Base" template only!

1. {% ue_notification_styles %} - Not required. Add our prepared styles for HTML email templates. You can use our styles or add you own.

... UserEcho prepared stiles for email templates ...

2. {% ue_delimiter %}
- Required in "Base" template! Add special line to separate user replied text.

### Please type your reply above this line ###

3. {% ue_content %}
- Required in "Base" template! Mark a place in the "Base" template where to add the notification text.

4. {% ue_unsubscribe %}
- Required in "Base" template! Add a text how to unsubscribe from notification.
Available optional parameter:
  • url_only - return url only. You are able to use our url and add your own text.


  • {% ue_unsubscribe %}
  • {% ue_unsubscribe url_only=True %}
5. {% ue_delivered_by %} - Required in "Base" template if your project doesn't have a "white-label" option! Add a text how to unsubscribe from notification.
Available optional parameter:
  • url_only - return url only. You are able to use our url and add your own text.
  • {% ue_delivered_by %}
  • {% ue_delivered_by url_only=True %}

Other template tags

1. {% ue_satisfaction %} - Recommended in "New comment/status" template! Cannot be used in other templates! Add a satisfaction module to the email. Ask user if he was satisfied with this support service.
Available optional parameter:
  • satisfied_url_only - return url only. You are able to use our url and add your own text.
  • unsatisfied_url_only - return url only. You are able to use our url and add your own text.
  • {% ue_satisfaction %}
  • {% ue_satisfaction satisfied_url_only=True %}
  • {% ue_satisfaction unsatisfied_url_only=True %}
2. {% ue_notification_frame %} - Not required. Easy decoration style for email templates. Add a table to your notification with passed data.

Available optional parameters:

  • label - label for a top line
  • label_url - url for a top line
  • header - bold text in common block
  • text - regular text in common block
  • {% ue_notification_frame %}
  • {% ue_notification_frame label="UserEcho" label_url="" %}
  • {% ue_notification_frame label=notification.topic.header label_url = notification.url %}

3. {% ue_default_template %} - add default template for this type of message. This is very helpful if you add some if-else conditions to create a custom template for specific situations and want to show default template for another situations. The tag doesn't have any additional parameters.


  • {% ue_default_template %}

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