Тэги к отзывам

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Админы могут заколотить набор тэгов. В танках это может быть "расходники", "пушки", "интерфейс", "режимы игры", в UserEcho - "функционал", "юзабилити", "дизайн", "виджет" и т.п.

После чего отмечать записи этими тэгами.

Навигацию по тэгам можно вынести в правую колонку.
Прикрепленные ответы
Sergey Stukov co-founder
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Получается что то погрупп в форуме
Будем совещаться
Sergey Stukov co-founder
Цитата от David Howard
That will be great! Are you thinking checkboxes or free entry or what?

Feature added, Goto Setup->Forum->Tags and set Allow in Allow users to assign tags to their feedback Option

It's allows users to set tags to their own feedback.

it's possible to select tag from already created tags.

David Howard
Цитата от Sergey Stukov
Hi, we add option than allows users assign tags to their ideas. Estimation time to complete your request is 24 hours.
That will be great! Are you thinking checkboxes or free entry or what?
Sergey Stukov co-founder
Цитата от David Howard
It would be helpful to us if users could add tags to their ideas. Perhaps this could be a setting for a forum, like assigning categories? I don't understand why this would impact the ordering in the forum.
Hi, we add option than allows users assign tags to their ideas. Estimation time to complete your request is 24 hours.
David Howard
Цитата от Sergey Stukov
to easily control the order in the forum, it was decided that the tags can be set only administrators
It would be helpful to us if users could add tags to their ideas. Perhaps this could be a setting for a forum, like assigning categories? I don't understand why this would impact the ordering in the forum.
Sergey Stukov co-founder
Цитата от Sina Keshavarzi
Why can't an end-user add tags?
to easily control the order in the forum, it was decided that the tags can be set only administrators
Sina Keshavarzi
Why can't an end-user add tags?
Sergey Stukov co-founder
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Получается что то погрупп в форуме
Будем совещаться
Anton Volkov
Прям как у нас :)
Даёшь тэг 2.0!
Sergey Stukov co-founder
Да у нас паралельно идет развитие UE 2.0
Текущая версия функционал
2.0 Дизайн и юзабилити
По 2.0 прогресс ускорится с 15.05.2010
Anton Volkov
Только вот совсем уж незаметно выглядит фильтрация по тегам.
Ждём нового дизайна?